Incidental New Yorker XVII

August 14, 2016

🚘 Just returned
from a wonderful little New England road trip in a darling rented light blue VW
Beetle, which we became quite attached to. We covered Connecticut,
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and New York State,
and thus did exactly what Europeans have always criticized Americans, then the
Japanese and now also the Chinese for doing: whizzed about, staying only...

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🇩🇰 Kunstens sprudlende slagmark i Kina

Super China

April 8, 2016

Konturløse ansigter spyr æselhoveder, brækker sig i bogstaveligste forstand over en ufordøjelig tilværelse. Bærbare, sammenklappelige storbyer i stof. Malerier, installationer, keramik, tekstiler, faldskærme. Et vældigt tigerskind af tusindvis af cigaretter. Originalt og påtrængende med udgangspunkt i tusindårige kinesiske traditioner, nutiden og somme tider også...

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🇬🇧 Art in China – an Effervescent Battleground

April 8, 2016

My essay from Museum of Modern Art in Århus, Denmark, ARoS' catalogue for the magnificent exhibition A New Dynasty - Created in China, Nov 2015-June 2016

Faces without contours spewing out donkey heads, their stodgy lives literally making them puke. Portable,...

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🇩🇰 Kinas store kommunikator

Den kinesiske kunstner og provokatør Ai Weiwei er kommunikator i en klasse for sig. Det er ikke kun gennem kunsten, at han udtrykker sin systemkritik til især sit hjemland Kina, men også på flere sociale medier, og især Instagram, florerer kritikken i symbolske billeder. Læs min artikel i Kommunikationsforum 30. oktober 2015

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Incidental New Yorker IX

October 27,


⭐️ Ai Weiwei has done it again! This man is a true virtuoso at playing the international media. He brilliantly unmasks authorities and hypocrisy by placing a virtual mirror right in their faces and deeds. This time Lego is in the eye of the storm, even a virtual toilet storm, as Ai has posted a picture of Lego...

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