🇬🇧 Art in China – an Effervescent Battleground

April 8, 2016

My essay from Museum of Modern Art in Århus, Denmark, ARoS' catalogue for the magnificent exhibition A New Dynasty - Created in China, Nov 2015-June 2016

Faces without contours spewing out donkey heads, their stodgy lives literally making them puke. Portable,...

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🇬🇧 Back when Camels were Welcome in Beijing

A silent, dust-covered Beijing greeted us – four exchange students from Denmark – as the train softly came to a stop at Beijing’s Central Railway Station one mild Indian summer day in September 1981 after an eight-day train journey with the Trans-Siberian railway from Copenhagen Central Station.

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🇬🇧 Not in my Name

Blog post from my stint as Incidental New Yorker, September 9, 2015

It is painful to follow events in Europe from my new
outpost. When I saw a photo the other day in one of my Danish newspapers of a
man on an overpass, literally spitting on Syrian refugees walking
below,  just off the ferry in Denmark, I felt acute pain and deep shame.
Because this is not my country – or it isn’t what I believe my...

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🇬🇧 China’s Bully-Diplomacy

When foreign leaders bow to China’s irate demands that they do not meet with the Dalai Lama it is by no means out of respect. It is because China transforms into a thug, totally resistant to reason.

By Mette Holm, 8 February, 2015

Tibet’s exiled religious leader the Dalai Lama attended President Obama’s
National Prayer Breakfast in...

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🇬🇧 Speech at the opening of Wang Qingsong’s exhibition at KØS

KØS, Museum of art in public spaces, 15 March, 2014

Thank you for
inviting me here today. Christine Buhl Andersen & Tereza de Aruda have
already spoken about the exhibition and the artist, Wang Qingsong. I have been
specifically asked not to talk about art in China, but the space in which
artists express themselves.

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🇬🇧 People’s Daily & Xinhua Shi go public – the contradiction between commercialism and socialist values

Chinese Communist Party media flagships are going public; what will the consequences be for content? And will China ever get round to legislate on the role of the media in society?

By METTE HOLM, February 2012

Cyber platforms
of People’s Daily and the national Chinese news agency Xinhua Shi are planning
to go public on...

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🇬🇧 Sino-Tibetan dialogue should look to the Roma, Mongolia & Bhutan for new inspiration


By Mette Holm, Copenhagen

Imagine the
Dalai Lama in the Chinese province of Sichuan, participating in a memorial for
victims of the devastating earthquake in May, as suggested recently by New York
Times columnist Nicholas Kristof. It would constitute the perfect opportunity
to start reconciliation...

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🇬🇧 The Road to Law an independent voice in Cambodia

Article from Danish Institute for Human Right's website on the radio programme that I started with Women's Media Centre of Cambodia and help run for seven years

The air is hot
and humid in Kompong Thom prison in Central Cambodia. The old walls are
peeling. The prison was built by the French colonial power in 1900. Only one
wing has been restored, thanks to aid from...

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