🇩🇰 Tibetanernes nye fortælling

Tibetanernes tålmodighed er legendarisk, men selv den kan rinde ud. I snart syv årtier har Kina tilsidesat forfatningssikrede ret til selvstyre ved undertrykkelse af tibetanernes kultur og tro. Nu bereder eksiltibetanerne sig på at sikre Tibets historie, så unge tibetanere i i Tibet ikke kun skal høre den fra de kinesiske herskere. Det - og meget andet - har jeg talt med Dalai Lamas repræsentant i London om.

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🇬🇧 China’s Bully-Diplomacy

When foreign leaders bow to China’s irate demands that they do not meet with the Dalai Lama it is by no means out of respect. It is because China transforms into a thug, totally resistant to reason.

By Mette Holm, 8 February, 2015

Tibet’s exiled religious leader the Dalai Lama attended President Obama’s
National Prayer Breakfast in...

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🇬🇧 Sino-Tibetan dialogue should look to the Roma, Mongolia & Bhutan for new inspiration


By Mette Holm, Copenhagen

Imagine the
Dalai Lama in the Chinese province of Sichuan, participating in a memorial for
victims of the devastating earthquake in May, as suggested recently by New York
Times columnist Nicholas Kristof. It would constitute the perfect opportunity
to start reconciliation...

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🇩🇰 Eftertanke om Tibet

KRONIK i Jyllands-Posten, 27. marts 2008

AF Mette Holm & Mogens Lykketoft

Lige syd for Tibet i Himalaya ligger
det lille buddhistiske kongerige Bhutan. Bhutanerne tilhører de røde hattes
sekt, mens tibetanerne tilhører de gule hattes sekt. Tro, traditioner,
byggestil og munkenes dragter minder...

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