👂🏼 I was thrilled to be invited to participate in Jean Ahlefeldt Laurvig and Shanelle Hall's impressive podcast, we need to talk about this. We talked so much that they had to break up our conversation on in two parts. Links to both parts below
Kategori: English
🇬🇧 Oral History of China Studies in Scandinavia

I am delighted, honoured and proud to have been included in Helsinki University's Oral History of China Studies in Scandinavia, portraying China scholars in Scandinavia.
The interview was conducted by Dusica Ristivojevic - via zoom in times of covid lock down.
Read the interview here
Further reading in...
🇬🇧 International Order Based on the Rule of Law – the Case of Myanmar
January 30, 2018
This is an adapted version of my presentation at the European Council on Foreign Relations’ Conference in Warsaw, drawing on experiences from the Arab Spring and Asia:
I am grateful for the invitation to speak about democracy and the rule of law in Myanmar. I have worked as a defense attorney in the States and also have served...
Arctic Circle

I am writing this in Keflavik Airport, waiting for my flight back to Denmark, and savouring the wonderful experience of attending this weekend's Arctic Circle 2016 in Iceland's capital, Reykjavik. Outside the sun is shining.
Weather-wise, the Icelandic capital didn't cooperate. The weather was awful. But otherwise Reykjavik was a most gracious host to Arctic Circle 2016, the fourth of its kind, bringing together...
🇬🇧 Sino-Tibetan dialogue should look to the Roma, Mongolia & Bhutan for new inspiration
By Mette Holm, Copenhagen
Imagine the
Dalai Lama in the Chinese province of Sichuan, participating in a memorial for
victims of the devastating earthquake in May, as suggested recently by New York
Times columnist Nicholas Kristof. It would constitute the perfect opportunity
to start reconciliation...
🇬🇧 The Road to Law an independent voice in Cambodia
Article from Danish Institute for Human Right's website on the radio programme that I started with Women's Media Centre of Cambodia and help run for seven years
The air is hot
and humid in Kompong Thom prison in Central Cambodia. The old walls are
peeling. The prison was built by the French colonial power in 1900. Only one
wing has been restored, thanks to aid from...
🇬🇧 Development with special Chinese characteristics
Fund News no. 1, 2008
Being rich in
China today is glorious; capitalists are members of the autocratic Communist
Party. The number of dollar billionaires more than quintupled in less than
a year. Economic gaps have become enormous, and only because they cannot afford