🇬🇧 Speech at the opening of Wang Qingsong’s exhibition at KØS

KØS, Museum of art in public spaces, 15 March, 2014

Thank you for
inviting me here today. Christine Buhl Andersen & Tereza de Aruda have
already spoken about the exhibition and the artist, Wang Qingsong. I have been
specifically asked not to talk about art in China, but the space in which
artists express themselves.

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🇬🇧 People’s Daily & Xinhua Shi go public – the contradiction between commercialism and socialist values

Chinese Communist Party media flagships are going public; what will the consequences be for content? And will China ever get round to legislate on the role of the media in society?

By METTE HOLM, February 2012

Cyber platforms
of People’s Daily and the national Chinese news agency Xinhua Shi are planning
to go public on...

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🇬🇧 Chinese media trying to conquer the world – and world opinion

China is investing massive amounts of money, energy and prestige in creating a new impression of herself, internally as well as to the rest of the world. CCTV International tries to challenge al-Jazeera, BBC and CNN on global news coverage. The good old communist propaganda mill is developing into a sophisticated narrative through an almost unlimited variety of outlets, be it museums, history books, cinema, sports, business or – in particular - media. The state...

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🇬🇧 Sino-Tibetan dialogue should look to the Roma, Mongolia & Bhutan for new inspiration


By Mette Holm, Copenhagen

Imagine the
Dalai Lama in the Chinese province of Sichuan, participating in a memorial for
victims of the devastating earthquake in May, as suggested recently by New York
Times columnist Nicholas Kristof. It would constitute the perfect opportunity
to start reconciliation...

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🇬🇧 Development with special Chinese characteristics

Fund News no. 1, 2008


Being rich in
China today is glorious; capitalists are members of the autocratic Communist
Party. The number of dollar billionaires more than quintupled in less than
a year. Economic gaps have become enormous, and only because they cannot afford

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