Arctic Circle

I am writing this in Keflavik Airport, waiting for my flight back to Denmark, and savouring the wonderful experience of attending this weekend's Arctic Circle 2016 in Iceland's capital, Reykjavik. Outside the sun is shining.

Weather-wise, the Icelandic capital didn't cooperate. The weather was awful. But otherwise Reykjavik was a most gracious host to Arctic Circle 2016, the fourth of its kind, bringing together...

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🇬🇧 Incidental New Yorker XVIII

The UN Elephant

September 19,

A good friend invited me for breakfast at Tiffany’s on Friday. Can’t, because we’re leaving on Thursday! Such is life.

Okay, so you can't have breakfast at Tiffany's with one friend, but then...

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Incidental New Yorker XVII

August 14, 2016

🚘 Just returned
from a wonderful little New England road trip in a darling rented light blue VW
Beetle, which we became quite attached to. We covered Connecticut,
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and New York State,
and thus did exactly what Europeans have always criticized Americans, then the
Japanese and now also the Chinese for doing: whizzed about, staying only...

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Incidental New Yorker XVI

Cuba cock

July 2, 2016

The Incidental New Yorker has been highly incidental, but less of a New Yorker lately! May and June has been what felt like back to back travelling. I am trying to catch up here … with a few highlights from June.

Taxis in La Habana © Mette Holm...

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Incidental New Yorker XV

June 28, 2016

🍩  This country actually has a National Doughnut Day! The event takes place the first Friday in June and was created by the Chicago chapter of The Salvation Army in 1938 to honour the Doughnut Girls, who served doughnuts to soldiers during WWI. Some 250 American Salvation Army members were in France, some of them mothering the enlisted boys and young men, serving them doughnuts, pies and...

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🇩🇰 Kunstens sprudlende slagmark i Kina

Super China

April 8, 2016

Konturløse ansigter spyr æselhoveder, brækker sig i bogstaveligste forstand over en ufordøjelig tilværelse. Bærbare, sammenklappelige storbyer i stof. Malerier, installationer, keramik, tekstiler, faldskærme. Et vældigt tigerskind af tusindvis af cigaretter. Originalt og påtrængende med udgangspunkt i tusindårige kinesiske traditioner, nutiden og somme tider også...

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🇬🇧 Art in China – an Effervescent Battleground

April 8, 2016

My essay from Museum of Modern Art in Århus, Denmark, ARoS' catalogue for the magnificent exhibition A New Dynasty - Created in China, Nov 2015-June 2016

Faces without contours spewing out donkey heads, their stodgy lives literally making them puke. Portable,...

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Incidental New Yorker XIV

April 6, 2016

🇵🇦  We went to Panama over Easter and had the loveliest break there. Wonderful and very friendly people, beautiful place, terrific food, and the wildly impressive canal, where I was so lucky as to be invited to actually open a lock gate for a huge container ship heading East from the Pacific. The locks are computerized now. But the old system still functions. Managing the lock was...

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🇬🇧 Back when Camels were Welcome in Beijing

A silent, dust-covered Beijing greeted us – four exchange students from Denmark – as the train softly came to a stop at Beijing’s Central Railway Station one mild Indian summer day in September 1981 after an eight-day train journey with the Trans-Siberian railway from Copenhagen Central Station.

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