🇬🇧 People’s Daily & Xinhua Shi go public – the contradiction between commercialism and socialist values

Chinese Communist Party media flagships are going public; what will the consequences be for content? And will China ever get round to legislate on the role of the media in society?

By METTE HOLM, February 2012

Cyber platforms
of People’s Daily and the national Chinese news agency Xinhua Shi are planning
to go public on...

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🇩🇰 Tale ved anti-folkedrabsdagen i Tivolis Glassal

Lørdag d. 28. januar 2012

Deres Excellencer, mine damer og herrer; excellencies, ladies and gentlemen ….

Verden er fuld af valg, ligegyldige,
gode, sjove, spændene, afgørende valg – såvel som de aldeles umenneskelige …..

Ingen burde blive stillet over for sådan et valg. Vi...

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